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Cornell University

Members of Select Scholarly Societies

The scholars listed here include current, emeritus, and deceased faculty members who held faculty positions at Cornell when they were elected to the scholarly society indicated.

Newly Elected Members

American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2024

Peng Chen, Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Timothy A. Ryan, Biochemistry, Weill Cornell Medicine
Mariana Wolfner, Molecular Biology and Genetics

American Philosophical Society, 2024

Jon Kleinberg, Computer Science

National Academy of Sciences, 2024

Mario Herrero, Global Development
Timothy A. Ryan, Biochemistry, Weill Cornell Medicine
Steven Strogatz, Mathematics
Peter Wolczanski, Chemistry and Chemical Biology

National Academy of Medicine, 2024

Silvia Formenti, Radiation Oncology, Weill Cornell Medicine
Massimo Loda, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine

Members by Organization

Year elected appears in parenthesis
Updated May 2024

American Academy of Arts and Letters

Roberto Sierra,* Music (2021)

Meejin Yoon, Architecture (2021)

American Philosophical Society

Jonathan D. Culler,* English; Comparative Literature (2006)

Michael E. Fisher,* Chemistry and Chemical Biology; Physics; Mathematics (1993)

Roald Hoffmann,* Chemistry and Chemical Biology (1984)

Peter J. Katzenstein, Government (2009)

Jon Kleinberg, Computer Science (2024)

Paul A. Marks,* Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine (2007)

N. David Mermin,* Physics (2015)

Mary Beth Norton,* History; American Studies (2010)

Éva Tardos, Computer Science (2020)

Harold E. Varmus, Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine (1994)

Benjamin Widom,* Chemistry and Chemical Biology (1993)

American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Héctor D. Abruña, Chemistry and Chemical Biology (2007)

Barbara A. Baird, Chemistry and Chemical Biology (2008)

Jeremiah A. Barondess,* Medicine; Public Health, Weill Cornell Medicine (2000)

Malcolm Bilson,* Music (1994)

Anthony P. Bretscher,* Molecular Biology and Genetics (2018)

Valerie Jane Bunce,* Government (2010)

Stephen J. Ceci, Human Development (2019)

Peng Chen, Chemistry and Chemical Biology (2024)

Andrew G. Clark, Molecular Biology and Genetics (2016)

Stephen T. Coate, Economics (2017)

Geoffrey W. Coates, Chemistry and Chemical Biology (2011)

Jonathan D. Culler,* English; Comparative Literature (2001)

Francis J. DiSalvo,* Chemistry and Chemical Biology (1992)

Stephen T. Emlen,* Neurobiology and Behavior (2007)

Scott D. Emr, Molecular Biology and Genetics (2004)

Deborah Estrin, Computer Science, Cornell Tech; Public Health, Weill Cornell Medicine (2007)

Joseph J. Fins, Medical Ethics; Medicine; Public Health; Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medicine (2012)

Michael E. Fisher,* Chemistry and Chemical Biology; Physics; Mathematics (1979)

Jack H. Freed,* Chemistry and Chemical Biology (1994)

W. Kent Fuchs,* Electrical and Computer Engineering (2014)

María Cristina García, History; Latina/o Studies Program (2017)

Thomas D. Gilovich, Psychology (2012)

Antonio M. Gotto Jr.*, Medicine; Dean Emeritus, Weill Cornell Medicine (2001)

Bernice Grafstein, Neuroscience, Weill Cornell Medicine (2021)

Sandra E. Greene, History (2016)

Harry Walter Greene,* Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (2014)

Leonard Gross,* Mathematics (2004)

Sol M. Gruner,* Physics (2011)

John M. Guckenheimer,* Mathematics (2008)

David P. Hajjar, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine (2016)

Joseph Y. Halpern, Computer Science (2015)

Maureen R. Hanson, Molecular Biology and Genetics (2021)

Martha P. Haynes, Astronomy (1999)

Roald Hoffmann,* Chemistry and Chemical Biology (1971)

Peter U. Hohendahl,* German Studies (2003)

John E. Hopcroft,* Computer Science (1987)

Paul L. Houston,* Chemistry and Chemical Biology (2003)

Ronald Raymond Hoy*, Neurobiology and Behavior (2010)

Isabel V. Hull,* History (2007)

Terence H. Irwin,* Philosophy (1995)

Peter J. Katzenstein, Government (1987)

Kenneth J. Kemphues,* Molecular Biology and Genetics (2013)

Jon M. Kleinberg, Computer Science; Information Science (2007)

Gary A. Koretzky, Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine (2012)

Carol L. Krumhansl, Psychology (2008)

Dominick C. LaCapra,* History; Comparative Literature (2006)

David M. Lee,* Physics (1990)

Sidney Leibovich,* Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (1992)

G. Peter Lepage, Physics (2008)

Christopher D. Lima, Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine (2017)

John T. Lis, Molecular Biology and Genetics (2013)

Paul L. McEuen, Physics (2015)

Fred W. McLafferty,* Chemistry and Chemical Biology (1985)

N. David Mermin,* Physics (1988)

Suzanne B. Mettler, Government (2017)

Tobias Meyer, Cell and Developmental Biology, Weill Cornell Medicine (2023)

Carl F. Nathan, Microbiology and Immunology, Weill Cornell Medicine (2016)

Victor Nee, Sociology (2020)

Malden C. Nesheim,* Nutritional Sciences (1995)

Karl J. Niklas,* Plant Biology (2015)

Mary Beth Norton,* History; American Studies (1999)

Jean William Pape, Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine (2022)

Martha E. Pollack, Computer Science; Information Science; Linguistics; President (2022)

Stephen B. Pope,* Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (2007)

Jerome B. Posner,* Neurology and Neuroscience, Weill Cornell Medicine (2003)

Michael I. Posner,* Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medicine (1986)

Hunter R. Rawlings III,* Classics; President Emeritus (1995)

John D. Reppy,* Physics (1994)

Jeffrey W. Roberts,* Molecular Biology and Genetics (1995)

Wendell L. Roelofs,* Entomology, Cornell Geneva Campus (1986)

Timothy A. Ryan, Biochemistry, Weill Cornell Medicine (2024)

Laurent P. Saloff-Coste, Mathematics (2011)

Fred B. Schneider, Computer Science (2017)

Thomas D. Seeley,* Neurobiology and Behavior (2001)

Michael L. Shuler,* Biomedical Engineering; Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (1996)

Roberto Sierra, Music (2010)

David J. Skorton,* Biomedical Engineering; President Emeritus (2011)

Steven W. Squyres,* Astronomy (2005)

Robert J. Sternberg, Human Development (1995)

Rosemary A. Stevens, Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medicine (1992)

Steven H. Strogatz, Mathematics (2012)

Éva Tardos, Computer Science (2001)

Sidney G. Tarrow,* Government (1992)

Saul A. Teukolsky, Physics (1996)

Maury Tigner,* Physics (1991)

Harold E. Varmus, Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine (1998)

Sandra L. Vehrencamp,* Neurobiology and Behavior; Laboratory of Ornithology (2013)

Kay WalkingStick*, Art (2020)

James Webster,* Music (1999)

Benjamin Widom,* Chemistry and Chemical Biology (1979)

Peter T. Wolczanski, Chemistry and Chemical Biology (1999)

Mariana Wolfner, Molecular Biology and Genetics (2024)

Neal A. Zaslaw*, Music (1998)

Kelly R. Zamudio,* Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (2019)

National Academy of Sciences

Héctor D. Abruña, Chemistry and Chemical Biology (2018)

Anurag A. Agrawal, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (2021)

Chris Barrett, Applied Economics and Management; Economics; Global Development (2022)

Dale E. Bauman,* Animal Science (1988)

Olga Boudker, Physiology and Biophysics (2022)

Edward S. Buckler, Plant Breeding and Genetics; USDA Agricultural Research Station (2014)

Andrew G. Clark, Molecular Biology and Genetics (2012)

Geoffrey W. Coates, Chemistry and Chemical Biology (2017)

J. C. Séamus Davis,* Physics (2010)

Francis J. DiSalvo,* Chemistry and Chemical Biology (1991)

Scott D. Emr, Molecular Biology and Genetics (2007)

Michael E. Fisher,* Chemistry and Chemical Biology; Physics; Mathematics (1983)

James J. Giovannoni, Plant Biology (2016)

Maureen R. Hanson, Molecular Biology and Genetics (2021)

Maria J. Harrison, Plant Pathology and Plant Microbe Biology (2019)

Martha P. Haynes, Astronomy (2000)

Mario Herrero, Global Development (2024)

Roald Hoffmann,* Chemistry and Chemical Biology (1972)

John E. Hopcroft,* Computer Science (2009)

Toichiro Kinoshita,* Physics (1991)

Jon M. Kleinberg, Computer Science (2011)

Catherine Kling, The Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management (2015)

Johannes Lehmann, Soil and Crop Sciences; Global Development (2023)

David M. Lee,* Physics (1991)

G. Peter Lepage, Physics (2022)

John T. Lis, Molecular Biology and Genetics (2015)

Jonathan Lunine, Astronomy (2010)

Gregory Martin, Plant Pathology and Plant-Microbe Biology (2022)

Susan R. McCouch, Plant Breeding and Genetics (2018)

Paul L. McEuen, Physics (2011)

Fred W. McLafferty,* Chemistry and Chemical Biology (1982)

N. David Mermin,* Physics (1991)

June B. Nasrallah, Plant Biology (2003)

Carl F. Nathan, Microbiology and Immunology, Weill Cornell Medicine (2011)

Colin Parrish, Virology (2023)

Prabhu L. Pingali, Applied Economics and Management (2007)

Robert O. Pohl,* Physics (1999)

Michael I. Posner,* Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medicine (1981)

John D. Reppy,* Physics (1988)

Jeffrey W. Roberts,* Molecular Biology and Genetics (1999)

Wendell L. Roelofs,* Entomology, Cornell Geneva Campus(1985)

Timothy A. Ryan, Biochemistry, Weill Cornell Medicine (2024)

Eric D. Siggia, Physics (2009)

Patrick J. Stover, Nutritional Sciences (2016)

Steven Strogatz, Mathematics (2024)

Steven D. Tanksley,* Plant Breeding and Genetics (1995)

Éva Tardos, Computer Science; Information Science (2013)

Saul A. Teukolsky, Physics (2003)

Maury Tigner,* Physics (1993)

Bik-Kwoon Tye,* Molecular Biology and Genetics (2023) 

Harold E. Varmus, Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine (1984)

Michelle Wang, Physics (2023)

Benjamin Widom,* Chemistry and Chemical Biology (1974)

Peter Wolczanski, Chemistry and Chemical Biology (2024)

Mariana F. Wolfner, Molecular Biology and Genetics (2019)

National Academy of Engineering

Nicholas Abbott, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (2014)

Lynden A. Archer, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (2018)

Toby Berger,* Electrical and Computer Engineering (2006)

Wilfried H. Brutsaert,* Civil and Environmental Engineering (1994)

Richard W. Conway,* Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management (1992)

Lance Collins,* Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (2021)

Harold G. Craighead,* Applied and Engineering Physics (2007)

Brenda L. Dietrich, Operations Research and Information Engineering (2014)

Deborah Estrin, Computer Science, Cornell Tech; Public Health, Weill Cornell Medicine (2009)

Donald P. Greenberg, Architecture; Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management (1991)

Joseph Y. Halpern, Computer Science (2019)

John E. Hopcroft,* Computer Science (1989)

Jon M. Kleinberg, Computer Science (2008)

Sidney Leibovich,* Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (1993)

Philip Li-Fan Liu,* Civil and Environmental Engineering (2015)

Daniel P. Loucks,* Civil and Environmental Engineering (1989)

William L. Maxwell,* Operations Research and Information Engineering (1998)

Francis C. Moon,* Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (1996)

Christopher K. Ober, Materials Science and Engineering (2023)

Thomas D. O’Rourke,* Civil and Environmental Engineering (1993)

Thomas W. Parks,* Electrical and Computer Engineering (2010)

Jean-Yves Parlange,* Biological and Environmental Engineering (2006)

Stephen B. Pope,* Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (2010)

Darrell G. Schlom, Materials Science and Engineering (2017)

Fred B. Schneider, Computer Science (2011)

Norman R. Scott,* Biological and Environmental Engineering (1990)

Christine A. Shoemaker,* Civil and Environmental Engineering (2012)

Michael L. Shuler,* Biomedical Engineering; Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (1989)

Jery R. Stedinger*, Civil and Environmental Engineering (2014)

Chung L. Tang,* Electrical and Computer Engineering (1986)

Éva Tardos, Computer Science; Information Science (2007)

Jefferson Tester, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (2021)

Michael J. Todd,* Operations Research and Information Engineering (2015)

Kuo-King Wang,* Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (1989)

National Academy of Medicine

Jack D. Barchas*, Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medicine (1981)

Jeremiah A. Barondess,* Medicine; Public Health, Weill Cornell Medicine (1971)

Murray F. Brennan, Surgery, Weill Cornell Medicine (1995)

Eric J. Cassell,* Public Health, Weill Cornell Medicine (1982)

Augustine M.K. Choi, Stephen and Suzanne Weiss Dean of Weill Cornell Medicine (2021)

Lisa M. DeAngelis, Neurology and Neuroscience, Weill Cornell Medicine (2013)

R. Gordon Douglas Jr.,* Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine (1995)

Deborah Estrin, Computer Science, Cornell Tech; Healthcare Policy and Research, Weill Cornell Medicine (2019)

Joseph J. Fins, Medical Ethics; Medicine; Public Health; Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medicine (2011)

Silvia Formenti, Radiation Oncology, Weill Cornell Medicine (2024)

Cutberto Garza,* Nutritional Sciences (1998)

Antonio M. Gotto Jr.*, Medicine; Dean Emeritus, Weill Cornell Medicine (1991)

Rainu Kaushal, Healthcare Policy and Research, Weill Cornell Medicine (2019)

Gary A. Koretzky, Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine (2008)

Francis S. Lee, Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medicine (2016)

Massimo Loda, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine (2024)

Ralph L. Nachman,* Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine (1992)

Carl F. Nathan, Microbiology and Immunology, Weill Cornell Medicine (1998)

Jean W. Pape, Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine (2003)

Raina Plowright, Public and Ecosystem Health (2023)

Jerome B. Posner,* Neurology and Neuroscience, Weill Cornell Medicine (1992)

Michael I. Posner,* Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medicine (1981)

Valerie F. Reyna, Human Development (2015)

Jane E. Salmon, Medicine; Obstetrics and Gynecology, Weill Cornell Medicine (2016)

Andrew I. Schafer, Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine (2013)

David J. Skorton,* Biomedical Engineering; President Emeritus (2011)

Rosemary A. Stevens, Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medicine (1973)

Harold E. Varmus, Medicine, Weill Cornell Medicine (1991)